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National News Editor, Internet Broadcasting

​2010 - present


​-- Write, edit and post original and CNN wire stories to IB's 70-plus TV and newspaper websites across the country.
-- Create and incorporate slideshows, videos and other multimedia content with Web stories, including a daily slideshow called The Daily List, which have generated more than 3 million pageviews for IB sites since launching in fall 2010.
-- Send national breaking news alerts to thousands of email subscribers, and help the copy desk proof stories, headlines and teaser text submitted for editing by IB sites.



Freelancer, The Associated Press

​2011 - present


-- Brainstorm home and gardening story ideas for the AP's special sections that run through the year (weddings, fall homes, etc.)

-- Write one to three 900-word articles per month on such topics and set up or take images myself to go with them.



Breaking News Writer, GlobalPost

​2012 - 2014


​-- Online journalist, blogger and commentator for an award-winning world news website based in Boston.
-- Used content management system (CMS) to publish stories online quickly and efficiently, particularly U.S. politics, health and science-related content. Embedded video and produced slideshows to add multimedia components.



Newswoman, The Associated Press

​2002 - 2007


-- Covered K-12 and higher education, as well as statewide breaking news, courts, crime, business, features, state
government and the state Legislature first in Colorado, then Wyoming and Montana
-- Rewrote newspaper and broadcast copy, wrote and edited AP copy and coordinated photo coverage as a desk editor several times a week


Jim Clarke, bureau chief

The Associated Press

825 Great Northern Blvd., Suite 203

Helena, MT

(406) 442-7440

Julia Rubin, features editor

The Associated Press

450 W. 33rd St.

New York, NY

(212) 621-1500

Jocelina Joiner, editor

Internet Broadcasting

355 Randolph Ave.

St. Paul, MN

(651) 365-4000

Marquette University

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (cum laude)

​1995 - 1999



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